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Old 12-26-2020, 10:26 PM   #64
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Title: Extreme Self Esteem Destruction - I Want You To Hate Yourself For Jerking Off To This (Release date: Dec 26, 2020)

Description: Goddess Kitty

You pathetic fucking loser. I want you to listen to me and watch me and I want you to very clearly understand me. Because I am going to tell you exactly what a fucking loser you are. I'm going to tell you exactly how pathetic you are. And do you know what I want you to do? I want you to sit there and jerk your cock while I verbally destroy you. You'd love that wouldn't you? You love watching and listening to a hot brat as she verbally tears you apart. And that right there begins to describe exactly how pathetic you are. Jerk that dick for me loser. What I'm going to tell you today is what everyone else already thinks of you, including people you know. I am going to be honest with you and you need to hear the truth.
Now I know that you're quite insecure and you worry if you're interesting, or attractive. Well, you're not. You're boring, and ugly and socially inept, you're a fucking loser. A loser who needs a woman like me to tear them apart. A woman who will treat you like the stupid little pathetic loser that you are. You need that, don't you? Do you think I real man craves this kind of abuse? No, of course not. But you're not a real man, you're just a chronic masturbating loser. Real men don't jerk off all day. You're just a bitch. Look at you jerking away to my verbal humiliation. You're pathetic. Men like you disgust me. And not just me, but you disgust every other woman in your life, they're just too polite, but, well, I'm not. I don't give a fuck if I hurt your feelings because I don't give a fuck about you.

Format: MP4
Duration: 15 Min
Size: 1077 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

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