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Old 12-28-2020, 04:37 AM   #75
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holiretor is on a distinguished road
Title: It'll make him more Compliant (Release date: Dec 25, 2020)

Description: Eurasian Goddess Miss Jasmine is on her chaise lounge with a slave under her ass. She's using his nose to grind her pussy. She then shifts to totally envelope his face with her ass and soon he is kicking to get some air. Some nice camera angles here at this point as the view is from the floor upwards showing off her delicious ass, garter and stockings, as she gyrates on the slaves head. She gets up on her feet and her ass is briefly right in your face as she turns into a forward position and sits on his face again.

She rocks forward and backwards giving him some air until sitting upright with her back arched until he again gets desperate to breath. "I do like the feeling of suffering under me, knowing he's panicking" she says. While sealing his mouth and nose she takes off her corset to reveal her magnificent breasts and then laughs when she again notices the slave as he seems to be doing some sort of strange dance. When she gets up he gasps but before he can catch his breath she sits down again and says "Let's see how long we can go." She's disappointed when he can't even last a minute and with all his kicking she says "I feel like I'm riding a pony." She now starts to give him millisecond breaths between each sit and the scene ends with him frantically kicking for his life. "So pathetic."

Keywords: asian , facesitting , miss jasmine , ass smother

Format: MP4
Duration: 6 Min
Size: 482 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

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