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Old 01-02-2022, 02:16 PM   #3231
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Default The Carpet Beater

About video: A great movie about the double value of carpet beaters! It's the first week of the new month, so as she clearly knows it's Nicole's duty this week cleaning the carpets. But well, isn't it so much nicer hiding behind the house, smoking a cigarette and enjoying some music? Too bad that she was using earplugs so she couldn't hear Headmaster Tom approaching her, angry and mad as hell that the carpet beating is still undone, hours after she was sent outdoor for getting this started. A great opportunity for teaching Nicole that a carpet beater also qualifies very well for beating a lazy girl's bottom! No sooner said than done, several strokes later she finds herself finally beating the carpets, with a sore bottom, bared and exposed to everybody who can see her from the house and the neighbor's garden, with tears in her eyes, tears of pain and embarrassment...

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File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:23
File Size : 219Mb
Resolution : 710x534

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Old 01-02-2022, 06:41 PM   #3232
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Default The Cellar Room

About video: A real-life production from Girls Boarding School. Elin finds herself fully naked in a place that is used only rarely for a punishment in this institution: the cold dirty cellar room! And she clearly knows what it means, and she entirely agrees that she deserves this extraordinarily personal treatment, considering that she was forcing up the telephone bill again! International phone calls without permission, for hundreds of Dollars! It comes as no real surprise that Headmaster Tom is not in a mood for a verbal warning anymore, but rather resorts to a corporal punishment with the paddle.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:05:42
File Size : 71Mb
Resolution : 710x534

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Old 01-02-2022, 11:31 PM   #3233
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Default The Mean Roommate

About video: It's a Sunday morning - why is Maggy wrapped in a duvet and sobbing her little heart out? Headmaster Tom is amazed to hear that Maggy's roommate Nicole has stolen all her clothes, so she can't go to church. Promising Maggy that he will deal with Nicole, he goes in search of the mean thief. Nicole is kneeling on her bed her bottom is stuck up in readiness for the cane. HM Tom tells her that he intends to keep on caning her until she is crying genuine tears. He wants to see the tears rolling down her cheeks. She tries to fake it, but he tells her they are not real tears and goes on with the caning. After each stroke of the cane, she jumps up out of position - her pretty face all screwed up. Eventually, the genuine tears start so he gives her two more strokes. Then telling her to go to Maggy and apologise for stealing her clothes and return them to their rightful owner. Throwing down the cane, he leaves Nicole sobbing her little heart out.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:12:41
File Size : 169Mb
Resolution : 710x534

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Old 01-03-2022, 09:51 AM   #3234
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Default The Neighbors Barbecue

About video: It's the first time that the neighbors were inviting Headmaster Tom and a chosen resident from Girls Boarding School for a Barbecue. A major honor for Headmaster Tom, and his first chance of finally getting introduced to his new neighborhood. Finding the right girl as a companion and representative was not difficult, of course Headmaster Tom was choosing Elin, by experience always the best behaving girl when it comes to representation duties, but holy cow! It's just Elin who spoils and ruins it all! She must have had a devil in her, behaving like a brat, ignoring all polite manners, singing filthy songs and spitting on the floor! Pure embarrassment, too much for Headmaster Tom and reason enough for a corporal punishment!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:07:43
File Size : 138Mb
Resolution : 710x534

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Old 01-03-2022, 02:21 PM   #3235
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Default The New spanking Secretary

About video: Headmaster Tom is getting to know the new secretary for Girls Boarding School. He leafs through her past jobs and is concerned because of the number of jobs she has had and is even more worried that she has been fired every time. However, her qualifications are good and she should be a good secretary, so he decides to give her a try. He asks her to make him a cup of coffee so she confidently sets off to the kitchen to make one. 'Marita stop,' he calls after her. 'Why are you not wearing shoes?' She makes some feeble excuse about being more comfortable without them and HM Tom is not at all impressed. He also takes her to task about her wearing blue jeans. He tells her, that as the secretary at GBS, she represents spanking and therefore, she should be wearing smart office clothes. He points out that if she had read the Conditions of Employment - she should have seen that. He gives her a choice - be fired or accept some corporal punishment. As she needs the job she chooses the punishment. Putting one foot up on the chair, he puts her over his knee and starts hand spanking her on top of her jeans. She dangles there somewhat precariously, but he has a firm hold of her. When he lets her get up, she is disappointed to hear that her punishment is not yet over. Now he tells her to take off her jacket and remove her jeans and knickers. She soon realises that arguing with HM Tom is not a good idea. He puts her over his knee again and carries on spanking her bare bottom. When he finally releases her, he tells her the job is hers, providing she dresses appropriately.

Info file :
File Type : wmv
Runtime : 00:12:38
File Size : 286Mb
Resolution : 720x576

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Old 01-03-2022, 06:54 PM   #3236
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Default The Return Of Elin

About video: It's about 2 years ago that Elin closed the door behind her, happy and relieved that her time in Girls Boarding School was over. She got attested that she turned the corner successfully, from a defiant and conceited brat, to a well behaving, well educated and honorable young lady. So can you imagine Headmaster Tom's bafflement when 2 years later all of a sudden a contrite Elin popped up in his office? Voluntarily asking for a readmission at Girls Boarding School? Well, not exactly voluntarily, but with a letter from her husband, reporting a sudden and unexpected relapse into truculence, insubordination and disobedience. Well Elin... then back to the drawing board, welcome back at Girls Boarding School! And get ready for your first OTK spanking and the wooden paddle immediately right here, right now!

Info file :
File Type : wmv
Runtime : 00:10:44
File Size : 312Mb
Resolution : 768x576

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Old 01-03-2022, 11:28 PM   #3237
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Default The Sting Of The Cane

About video: Sophie is bent over a table - on the receiving end of a caning by Headmaster Tom. She is totally naked. As the cane makes contact with her quivering bottom, she screws up her face and opens her mouth in a silent scream, while her hands clutch at the air, furling and unfurling. After the delivery of the thirtieth stroke, she is left standing with her hands on her head. Then she is allowed to rub her sore stinging bottom.

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:05:05
File Size : 55Mb
Resolution : 710x568

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Old 01-04-2022, 09:58 AM   #3238
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Default The Tattoo

About video: Since this blond angel was committed to Girls Boarding School some weeks ago, she felt a lot of ease and relief. Life at Girls Boarding School does not seem to be THAT bad. Sure, some slaps here, some thrashings there, but in the end all pretty bearable and within reason. This feeling of ease and relief was until a few days ago... until everything changed... on that one day when the Headmaster discovered her new tattoo! What happened on that day can hardly be put into words! One of the most severe bare bottom beatings ever taped! Download this video and see it for yourself: a young Swedish beauty receiving the corporal punishment of her life, with the wooden paddle and the cane on her bared bottom, 20 minutes non-stop corporal punishment, no way out! Enjoy this firm young bottom turned into a dark blue mess, enjoy this beautiful young face crying a flood of tears! Not a movie for the faint-hearted!

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:23:20
File Size : 392Mb
Resolution : 710x568

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Old 01-04-2022, 02:00 PM   #3239
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Default Too Many Mistakes

About video: Why is Maggy leaning over the back of a wicker arm chair, with her skirt bunched up around her waist and her knickers pulled down to mid thigh? It's checking of homework time. Last time this check was made was two weeks ago. Now Headmaster Tom is hoping for Maggy's sake that she has improved her marks - but he's got her prepared for a bottom warming - just in case. He checks through her homework that she did on a daily basis and finds that she has deteriorated instead of improving. And the biggest mess-up she has made was with an essay. She was supposed to write 500 words on 'The Meaning of life.' She managed 4 words - 'Life is No Picnic.' HM Tom is now out to prove to her that life definitely is no picnic. First he uses his hand to give her bottom a warm up spanking. She squeals and kicks out with her left leg. Then he uses the leather tawse and that really makes her cry out. Finally, he gives her five extra hard strokes - she has to count backwards from five to one. The punishment is over - or is it? She is to remain bent over the back of the wicker armchair. She has two hours to redo all the homework she did during the previous two weeks, including the 500 words essay on 'The Meaning of Life.' Will she get it right this time?

Info file :
File Type : mp4
Runtime : 00:09:13
File Size : 179Mb
Resolution : 704x568

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Old 01-04-2022, 06:31 PM   #3240
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Default Vanessa Stealing Money

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File Type : wmv
Runtime : 00:09:18
File Size : 244Mb
Resolution : 640x480

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