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Old 09-14-2021, 02:14 PM   #731
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Default Kim vs. Catch and Release
Kim vs. Catch and Release

42 Pics
70 Mb

Ballgag, Fishingnet, Flogger, Leotard, Rigging, Suspension, Zipties
It shouldn't be a surprise that Kim's mouth got her into trouble again. Suspended inside of a fishing net her situation was pretty comfortable until the zip ties came out. One by one her freedom slipped away leaving her in an awkward, uncomfortable, and helpless position. Just to be sure a little flogging and tickling helped confirm Kim was good and stuck. After tormenting her for a while I figured it might be fun to see her try and escape. So, with a little help, I left her to do just that.

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Old 09-14-2021, 07:03 PM   #732
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Default Kim vs. Her Sliding Chair
Kim vs. Her Sliding Chair

38 Pics
33 Mb

Ballgag, Chairtie, Ducttape, Nudity, Rigging
With duct tape the strength is in the layers. A detail Kim wasn't fully aware of when she agreed to be taped to a chair. Being very strong and seeing how one layer could easily tear this challenge was going to be cake. As each limb was wrapped in tape her certainty of escape dropped. Not until her elbows were being wrapped did she realize the extent the tape would be used. Waiting until the ballgag was firmly strapped in her mouth wasn't the ideal time to voice these concerns, however. As she was so confident minutes before that she could break free it seems a shame to rid her of that victory. A couple hours should be enough time. To start, at least.

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Old 09-15-2021, 02:19 PM   #733
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Default Kizzy Lee vs. The Purple Binds
Kizzy Lee vs. The Purple Binds

96 Pics
33 Mb

Armbinder, Ballgag, Balletboots, Catsuit, Damsel-In-Distress, Rope, Strappado
Girls are like kids in a candy store the first time they come over. All they see are shoes and outfits, never the bondage gear that surrounds them. I offered Kizzy the chance to try on anything and I would match it with bondage gear. One purple catsuit and a pair white ballet heels later and it was my turn. I bound her legs with rope for the shoes and added a big purple ball gag for the catsuit. Kizzy was confident she was going to get off easy until I zipped up her armbinder. She mumbled something about it not being fair through her gag. I guess I didn't mention the catsuit and armbinder come as a set. Must have slipped my mind.

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Old 09-15-2021, 07:08 PM   #734
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Default Kizzy vs. Locked Frustration
Kizzy vs. Locked Frustration

95 Pics
33 Mb

Ballgag, Chastitybelt, Corset, Magicwand, Orgasmdenial, Teasing, Trainergag
From the moment Kizzy walked through the door she couldn't keep her eyes off the magic wand. She was practically giddy when I told her she was more than welcome to it but only after I get her tied up. I start her out in a heavy trainer gag, corset, leather straps, and a shiny chastity belt. She paws, twists and struggles to find some weakness in her restraints knowing that escape means orgasms. When Kizzy eventually gives up I give her the follow-up prize. Kizzy still gets her magic wand, but the chastity belt stays on!

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Old 09-16-2021, 02:23 PM   #735
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Default Kobe Lee vs. The Frustration
Kobe Lee vs. The Frustration

45 Pics
6 Mb

Ballgag, Drool, Rope, Orgasmdenial, Vibrator
Things start simple enough with Kobe in the center of the room, wrists hung from a suspension ring. It's not long before I gag her and leave the Hitachi near her pussy. Between the low vibrations and unable to make firm contact with the vibe her lust continues to build. After tying one of her legs up leaving her on one foot I decide to help her out and her out. Just as she thinks an orgasm is within reach I pull the vibe away leaving her drooling in her gag. Kobe's frustration has peaked and I wonder, how long can I keep her like this?

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Old 09-16-2021, 07:12 PM   #736
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Default Krystal vs. Black & Tan
Krystal vs. Black & Tan

43 Pics
31 Mb

Elbowcinch, Frogtie, Pantyhose, Tapebondage, Tapedfists, Tapegag
It's not that Krystal doesn't look incredible wearing just pantyhose. It's that bondage makes everything better. So with vinyl tape in hand I set to making her look perfect. Her legs are frogtied first, with her hands taped into tight fists afterwards. There won't be any prying fingers trying to grant her any escape. More tape follows around her head, silencing any protests and ensuring the nylon on her head stays in place. Finally, several wraps are put around her elbows with more cinching it tighter. Moments later she's covered in panythose bound tight with tape. Perfection.

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Old 09-17-2021, 02:28 PM   #737
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Default Laci vs. The Forced Experiment #2
Laci vs. The Forced Experiment #2

66 Pics
37 Mb

Ballgag, Balletboots, Challenge, Forcedorgasm, Magicwand, Rope, Science
As with any scientific experiment, repetition of results is key. In our last forced orgasm experiment the subject was quite easily forced to orgasm with no ability to resist. This time the experiment is repeated with Laci Star in the couch, bound, gagged, and ready to resist the urge. She starts off strong, resisting the lower setting of the magic wand with ease. As the durations keep increasing it's quite obvious by her struggles the urge to give into temptation is irresistible. Was the results of our last experiment a fluke? Laci puts up a good fight and the results are quite definitive.

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Old 09-17-2021, 07:16 PM   #738
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Default Laci vs. The Table Tickles
Laci vs. The Table Tickles

57 Pics
31 Mb

Ballgag, Drool, Gagtalk, Hairtie, Hogtie, Jeans, Strict, Tickling
By the time the pool of drool under Laci's mouth started to spill onto the floor the last knots were tied. To be sure that she couldn't avoid the onslaught of tickling she was first put into a hogtie. Further ropes tying her limbs off to the tables four corners made even the shortest of struggles exhausting. Two final ropes were used on her toes, pulling them back and exposing the soles of her feet. Running a finger up on down her feet, Laci immediately tried to react. For all her effort she barely could move and inch and I was just getting started.

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Old 09-18-2021, 02:31 PM   #739
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Default Leila vs. Her Restless Chair
Leila vs. Her Restless Chair

106 Pics
56 Mb

Ballgag, Balletboots, Chairtie, Corset, Nippleclamps, Predicament, Rope, Stockings
Leila is really pushed to her limit in this week's update. She starts bound to a chair wearing a tight corset and ballet shoes. At first she think she's getting off easy. Nothing too tight or even uncomfortable. When the clover clamps go on her nipples Leila's still not too worried. It's not until the suspension ring is lowered and her once crotch rope is re-tied to her clamps causing to new situations. The first is she must keep her hips high in the air to keep pressure off her nipple clamps. The second is her feet are not forced to stand in her ballet shoes with no way to find relief. Now it's just a waiting game; she'll eventually have to come down!

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Old 09-18-2021, 07:19 PM   #740
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Default Leila vs. The Bull Ride
Leila vs. The Bull Ride

86 Pics
34 Mb

Corset, Elbowcinch, Frogtie, Nudity, Orgasmatron, Orgasms, Tapegag
I had a surprise for Leila but first things first. I needed her bound tight, especially those elbows. They are first wrapped in several layers of pallet wrap before squeezed together with electrical tape. Her legs are frogtied with more tape leaving her quite helpless on the bed. As she struggles to get free, I pull out my new Orgasmatron and toss it on the bed. It bucks around the bed like a bull, putting any Hitachi to shame in power. Even in her helpless position, Leila tries to wrestle it under control. If she can do it, she's in for one hell of a ride... and orgasm!

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bdsm, binding, humiliation, lash, whipping

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