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Old 08-10-2021, 10:13 PM   #341
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Default Naturlich umwerfend: Melissa Naturlich umwerfend: Melissa

Aufgeschlossen und neugierig lernt die frohliche Melissa gerne neue Leute und Orte kennen. Und entsprechend wilde Geschichten hat sie zu erzahlen Kein Wunder also, dass sie sich gerne so freizugig gibt Wir lauschen gebannt und nehmen uns insgeheim vor, bei nachster Gelegenheit auch so direkt um das zu fragen, was wir gerade wollen
Ob dominant oder passiv, mit Madels oder Jungs, in Freien oder daheim, in der Gruppe oder alleine, Melissa ist fur jeden Spa zu haben. Die Angst dabei erwischt zu werden ist da bei ihr nicht so gro-sie kennt schliesslich auch genug Leute, die dann einfach mitmachen wurden Hauptsache sie hat einen guten Draht zu ihren Partnern und sie konnen gegenseitig spuren, was dem anderen gefallt, auch ohne viele Worte.
Zum Masturbieren braucht sie keine ausgefallenen&nbsp Spielzeuge oder Pornos, das kann sie auch ganz gut alleine Das wollen wir doch gleich mal sehen Doch Melissa lat sich Zeit. Auch wenn sie alleine ist kostet sie namlich jeden Augenblick aus und erkundet ganz langsam und genusslich jeden Zentimeter ihres eigenen Korpers. Bald zuckt sie nur so vor Verlangen und ihre beiden Hande reichen kaum aus, um sich uberall gleichzeitig zu beruhren.
Melissa (22)

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Old 08-10-2021, 10:15 PM   #342
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Default Love Is In The Air: Fiona Enrico Love Is In The Air: Fiona Enrico

Fiona and Enrico-one heart and one soul. Sizzling tension is in the air. While the two turtledoves are still out sipping their Coke, the sparkling wine is already chilled, ready and waiting inside.
At first, it didnt even look like Enrico would make it to their date on time. How tedious it can be when you keep hitting one traffic jam after the other on your way home. But sweet Fiona takes it all in stride. Now its time to forge some plans. Where will their next vacation take them?
By the way, Enrico has prepared a surprise for his sweetheart. He made sure to postpone an important appointment, and now he can stay overnight A happy smile fleets across Fionas face when she hears the news. And soon, they let us know what they will do when they are left undisturbed
Fiona &amp Enrico (22&nbsp&amp&nbsp33)
File Name : Interview with Fiona & Enrico part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 842.01 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:35:12

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Old 08-10-2021, 10:25 PM   #343
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Default Can You Compete With Crazy Caro? Can You Compete With Crazy Caro?

When she goes on vacation, she needs to be surrounded by nature. That_s when she can really relax. And the fresh air gives the cute Caro the best ideas... Anyway, this attractive trainee loves to travel. From Egypt to Scotland, she_s seen quite a bit. Next on her list is Scandinavia. Caro knows how to have fun and party no matter where she is.
Influenced by her old hippie parents, Caro is into rock and pop from the late 60s. At the same time, she_s classically trained and can play the flute. If she comes up with something in her head, she knows how to get it out. But as things turned out, she found her dream job at a restoration workshop. She_s only ever had to write three job applications in her entire life. So, it looks like Carol has a lot of things going for her. For the time being, we_re mostly interested in seeing what she and her nimble fingers are getting up to
Caro (21)
File Name : Caro in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 113.16 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:04:46

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Old 08-10-2021, 10:51 PM   #344
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Default Love Is In The Air: Fiona Enrico Love Is In The Air: Fiona Enrico

Fiona and Enrico-one heart and one soul. Sizzling tension is in the air. While the two turtledoves are still out sipping their Coke, the sparkling wine is already chilled, ready and waiting inside.
At first, it didnt even look like Enrico would make it to their date on time. How tedious it can be when you keep hitting one traffic jam after the other on your way home. But sweet Fiona takes it all in stride. Now its time to forge some plans. Where will their next vacation take them?
By the way, Enrico has prepared a surprise for his sweetheart. He made sure to postpone an important appointment, and now he can stay overnight A happy smile fleets across Fionas face when she hears the news. And soon, they let us know what they will do when they are left undisturbed
Fiona &amp Enrico (22&nbsp&amp&nbsp33)
File Name : Interview with Fiona & Enrico part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 842.01 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:35:12

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Old 08-10-2021, 11:02 PM   #345
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Default A Winning Team: Sunny Joe A Winning Team: Sunny Joe

When it comes to love, lust and passion, Sunny and Joe from Halle have tried out nearly everything together. But only nearly everything. They would still like to have sex in a parking garage, or in a supermarket behind one of the shelves, or in a movie theater. She has pleasured her sweetheart orally in a movie theater before, but their fear of getting caught while having sex is still too big.
The large difference in age between the two doesnt bother them at all. Quite the opposite. Sunny just isnt into people the same age as her, and Joes playful instincts are still very strong. Everything just lines up nicely, and they get along fantastically. Besides, Sunny has never had better sex than with him. And why use love beads and sex toys, when you can only have half the fun with them?
Sure, they accept a helping hand from a vibrator from time to time. But either way, that is still more of a preliminary step to a real threesome. Its still written in the stars when an opportunity for one of those might arise. Aside from that, they definitely want to try out what actually goes on inside swingers_ clubs. All in all, both of them obviously still have a lot planned. What that is exactly-theyre about to tell us
Sunny &amp Joe (26&nbsp&amp&nbsp40)
File Name : Sunny & Joe in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 528.7 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:22:10

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Old 08-10-2021, 11:13 PM   #346
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Default Dorothea Sonja erzahlen euch alles... Dorothea Sonja erzahlen euch alles...

Obwohl sich Obwohl sich Dorothea und Sonja erst hier in Berlin kennengelernt haben, wurde sich Dorothea wunschen, dass Sonja mit ihr nach Rom zuruck kommt. Aber die hat andere Plane, denn in ihrer Wahlheimat Wien wartet bereits jemand auf sie
Einen festen Partner hat Dorothea nicht. Im August kommt allerdings ihr 35jahriger Bekannter aus Kanada zu ihr. Mit ihm hat sie vor einiger Zeit zum ersten Mal Analverkehr ausprobiert-und es machtig genossen Wenn sie es wollte, wurde er sich sogar von seiner Freundin trennen. _Oh, la, la Was sich daraus wohl noch entwickelt?
Fur die beiden Madels ist Masturbieren ein absolut wichtiges Thema. Mit 16 hat Dorothea die Wasserduse im Klo ihres damaligen Freundes fur sich entdeckt. Sie fand es einfach mega-geil, wie der harte Wasserstrahl ihre Vagina befeuchtete. Und zwar im wortwortlichen Sinne. Verschamt erzahlt sie Sonja, dass sie damals fast eine Viertelstunde auf der Toilette sa, weil ihr diese Art des Masturbierens unfassbar gut gefallen hat. Am liebsten wurde sie sogar einen offentlichen Aufruf starten, nach dem Motto: Alle Madels dieser Welt - probiert die Wasserspritzdusen eurer WCs aus
Sonjas erste Masturbationserfahrungen sind ein bisschen anders. Als Teenager hat sie ein Sex-Toy ihrer Eltern entdeckt, und seitdem fahrt sie total auf Dildos ab. Einen ihrer ersten Dildos bekam sie sogar von ihrer Schwester geschenkt. Übrigens sind ihrer Meinung nach aber auch Duschkopfe ganz okay. Als sie ihren derzeitigen Lover kennenlernte, war Sonja noch liiert: Sie wurden erst kurzlich einander vorgestellt, tauschten ein Begruungskusschen aus-und fuhren schon wenige Minuten spater in seine Wohnung. Er ist sehr dominant und auch ein bisschen rabiat. Genau das, was Sonja will. Jede Frau sollte wissen, wie groartig der Sex mit ihrem Lover ist, findet sie. Wie gut, dass Eifersucht keine Rolle in ihrer Beziehung spielt
Warum Dorothea keine Blow Jobs mag? Und welche Wunsche Sonja sonst noch so in Sachen Sex hat? All das und noch viel mehr wollen sie unbedingt mit euch teilen
Teens girls, beautiful girl, milf

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Old 08-10-2021, 11:26 PM   #347
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Default Annabelle Loves To Be Seduced Annabelle Loves To Be Seduced

Nicky has a fantasy, a fixed idea in mind: she wants to travel to Cambodia. She feels some kind of magical attraction to this country. Probably because it_s so far away and there_s something so enigmatic about it. Still, she maintains a deep connection to her native Dresden. She_s never lived anywhere else. Could she ever really leave? No way, Nicky says, insistently-this is the city where she plans to get married and have children. Although she does have a boyfriend, it remains to be seen whether he_s the right one to start a family with.
Generally, she doesn_t think too highly of monogamy-her animal instincts don_t leave too much room for Christian dogma. She_s quite dominant in her everyday life, so as a balance, she enjoys being submissive in bed.
Nicky (27)
File Name : Nicky in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 205.32 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:08:34

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Old 01-22-2022, 01:47 PM   #348
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Default They cant get enough: Laney Lucinda They cant get enough: Laney Lucinda

As excited as the two are to get started, they are also happy to warm each other up a bit first. Not only are their hands freezing, but Laney also has this really great photography book shes been meaning to show Lucinda. The two pretty girls become engrossed in the pictures-its like their own little slumber party At least until they lay down and get a bit more comfortable, then they quickly find something else much more interesting. As they slowly start undressing each other, things suddenly dont seem so chilly anymore.
The girls arent the only ones heating up either. As they smother each other with kisses and strokes, the slumber party feeling quickly melts away as the two get wild with each other Each one knows exactly what to do to get the other one moaning. They hardly need the fun toy they brought along to play with. On the other hand, it does look like its great to use But whats even more surprising is its hard to believe the two girls are just friends who are trying this for the first time Were so glad they took us along for the ride, and love how they can talk and laugh through all of it.
Even when both can lean back completely satisfied, the two talkative girls cant keep their hands off each other. As they lay there in each others arms they start planning the next scene theyd like to shoot, the situation, the location, the toys they would bringwe cant wait to see the results
Laney &amp Lucinda (22&nbsp&amp&nbsp20)
File Name : Laney & Lucinda in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 338.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:14:03

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Old 01-22-2022, 02:17 PM   #349
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Default Ivy is a real Showgirl Ivy is a real Showgirl

Ivy is fun, quirky and gorgeous. Today is her first shoot with Ersties, and shes come well prepared Her hobbies and interests are just as colorful and creative as the dress she is wearing. On top of that, she sure has some interesting stories to tell of the experiences she_s had so far But still, there is plenty more she wants to try out when it comes to sex. We love hearing about her favorite sexual fantasies and her unusual kinks
&nbspWhen it comes to meeting new people, shes not easily deceived. Sweet-talk wont work on her-she needs a convincing personality. As she shares her insights on love and lust, porn, fetishes and rough sex, she slowly starts fidgeting up her pretty dress until we can see her frilly panties, and then some more
&nbspAs she shows off her lovely body, she continues telling us about all her favorite sexual interests. Shes quite the showgirl Just as she sometimes enjoys just being teased, she teases the camera with showing just the slightest flashes of her soft curves before turning away again. But before she lets us get a closer peek, she shares the juiciest secret ever about where she is filming today
Ivy (23)
File Name : Interview with Ivy part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 209.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:08:46

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Old 01-22-2022, 03:19 PM   #350
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Default Mae shows us her favorite toy Mae shows us her favorite toy

Mae is so gorgeously bubbly right from the start, it almost comes as no surprise that she specializes in the arts, especially creative writing. Maybe there is erotic screenwriting in her future? After all, even when she was younger, she would picture people around her getting it on, well, all over the place, really. In the most graphic details, at that.
&nbspHappily single, shes easy-going when it comes relationships and sexuality. And to top it all off, she has the most fool-proof advice for getting to know new people We must be sure to keep it in mind for the future.
&nbspWhen having sex, it_s important for Mae that both partners are focused on having fun-she can even make a competition out of it Depending on whether shes with a girl or boy, she has different preferences-and it can change depending on the moment. When it comes to anal, though-she loves that in any situation. And public sex-the chance of getting caught or being watched makes it all the more intense. She sure knows the best places-we definitely need to remember them next time were on the road in Melbourne
&nbspAs it rains outside, Mae gets comfortable in her bed with her broomstick. But not an ordinary broomstick Its her lovely vibrating toy with ten (10) different speeds. It sure does the trick, as it only takes Mae a few minutes of riding it for her to fly off
Mae (19)
File Name : Interview with Mae part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 240.3 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:10:03

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