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Old Yesterday, 10:17 AM   #1071
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Title: Leia-Ann Woods - Corner Time Compendium

Description: I can often be seen to be rather naughty. At these moments a time-out can be just the medicine I need to think about what I have done and the spanking I am due to receive. In this clip you will see me in three different positions.
Standing, with my panties up, and my panties down at my thighs.
Sat on a chair, legs astride, again with my panties down and, to my great humiliation, my panties down (blushes!)
Kneeling on a chair, thighs slightly apart, with my panties up and my panties down
In silent contemplation I have nothing to think on but what your plans for me might be when I hear you calling my name....

Related Categories: Humiliation, School Uniform, Socks, Adult School

Format: MP4
Duration: 22 Min
Size: 3159 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

Corner Time Compendium.part3.rar
Corner Time Compendium.part1.rar
Corner Time Compendium.part2.rar
Corner Time Compendium.part4.rar
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Old Yesterday, 02:09 PM   #1072
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Title: Roxy Elixir, Mila Grant - Mila's Nude Spankings

Description: In this custom video, Mila is fully naked from the start. The video begins with Mila standing in front of a wall with a mirror. Mistress Roxy stands next to her and tells her to stand on her toes. Mila immediately obliges. Stress position Once Mila is standing on her toes, Mistress Roxy tells her to put her hands on her head. This puts Mila into a tricky balancing situation, and she almost falls over. Mila cant help but laugh at herself and they have a small moment of fun together, before Mistress Roxy gets back to business. Tickling While Mila tries to balance standing on her toes while having her hands on her head, Mistress Roxy begins to tickle her, making it even more difficult for Mila to keep standing. After about 2 minutes, Mistress Roxy tells her to put her hands up against the wall and lean forward. This means Mila's bum is out and shown nicely. First spanking position Now that Mila's bum is out, Mistress Roxy begins spanking her. We get to see good close ups of Mila's bottom, as well as full body shots and close ups of her feet. Bum inspection After 2 minutes, Mistress Roxy puts her leather gloves in Mila's mouth for Mila to hold. A bum inspection of about 3 minutes ensues, in which Mistress Roxy puts her finger up Mila's ass and moves it around. In the meantime, Mistress Roxy slaps Mila's pussy. Cleaning pussy juice off gloves Mila is finally told to stand up and turn around so that she is now facing the camera. Mistress Roxy puts her glove back on and touches Mila's pussy, which has become visibly wet. She takes it up to Mila's mouth and Mila is to clean Mistress Roxy's leather gloves for her. We get to see a long, intimate close up of Mila cleaning Mistress Roxy's gloves (about a minute). OTK spanking Mistress Roxy then takes Mila over to the couch for an OTK spanking. She spanks Mila with her bare hands, slaps her with the gloves and spanks her while wearing the leather gloves. We get to see close ups of Mila's bum, her feet and full body shots. (About 4 minutes). Wheelbarrow position Afterwards, Mistress Roxy tells Mila to get up and get into the wheelbarrow position. Another spanking of about a minute follows. Second bum inspection In the wheelbarrow position, Mistress Roxy slips back on a latex glove and puts her finger back inside Mila's bumble once more. For 2 minutes, she inspects Mila's bum hole. Spanking This is then followed by another 3 minutes of spanking in the wheelbarrow position. Spanking while crawling on the floor + pussy slapping For the final spanking position, Mila is told to get on all fours on the floor and to crawl around while Mistress Roxy chases and spanks her. She spanks her bottom and slaps her pussy in this position as well. Mistress Roxy circles Mila like a predator and all Mila can do is crawl on her hands and legs. (3 minutes). In the end, Mistress Roxy sits back down on the couch and calls Mila over. Mila puts her head in her Mistress' lap and is told she's been a good girl.

Related Categories: Anal, Ass Spreading, Med Exam, Pussy Slapping, Spanking, Domination

Format: MP4
Duration: 25 Min
Size: 1847 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160

Mila's Nude Spankings - Carnal Productions.part3.rar
Mila's Nude Spankings - Carnal Productions.part1.rar
Mila's Nude Spankings - Carnal Productions.part2.rar
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Old Yesterday, 11:21 PM   #1073
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Title: Boarding School - Full - Strict teaches spanks naughty girls corporal punishment - 1080p mp4

Description: Strict rules are tempting to be broken. No contact to boys, but blonde petite Lolico'on tries to go to the boys' dormatory. Mean girl NovaNilla films the attempt and tattles to strict teach everyone calls CruelAlice. Lolico'on gets punished with spanking and pussy snipping

After Lolico'on got spanked hard for her attempt to see the boys, also mean girl NovaNilla gets punished too as she is a squealer. Both girls get punished with spanking, pussy slapping, humiliating writing on body with lipstick "Flittchen" (alley cat) and "Petze" (squealer). Both get taught manners and licking their ass holes.

Related Categories: Corporal Bdsm, Female Training, Lipstick Fetish, Pussy Slapping, Teacher Fetish, Spanking ,Classic Spanking,Teacher Fetish, Adult School

Format: MP4
Duration: 19 Min
Size: 693 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

Patricia Lisa Josi Internatstrafe_gesamt.part2.rar
Patricia Lisa Josi Internatstrafe_gesamt.part1.rar
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Old Today, 03:54 AM   #1074
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Title: Little Red Riding Hood - a German fuck tale - FULL VERSION - costume role play NovaNilla CruelAlice 1080p mp4

Description: A funny one I bought. GrandMa and the Wolf are here to play. Light spanking and lesbian Strapon sex

My grandmother never told me this version of Little Red Riding Hood... What a twist!
I always thought it was just about a girl, a basket, and a sneaky wolf-but apparently, there's much more to the story than I ever imagined!

Format: MP4
Duration: 18 Min
Size: 614 MbMb
Resolution: 1920x1080

PAtricia Lisa Josi Rotkaeppchen Wolf_gesamt.part1.rar
PAtricia Lisa Josi Rotkaeppchen Wolf_gesamt.part2.rar
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Old Today, 09:09 AM   #1075
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Title: Any Fox,John Osborne - Amy's Cancún Caning

Description: The following film is based on actual events from a couple of years ago on a getaway vacation to sunny Cancún in Mexico. Amy, John, and Sarah shared a luxury villa apartment and despite Amy's promises to keep her area clean, this soon deteriorated into being a pigsty. John had warned her a few times as it ruined the feel-good factor of being in such a nice place. Amy, as you will know, is a super brat... who delights in answering back to him when threatened with "sticks" (their favorite name for canes). Well, the sticks are coming out whether she believes it or not, and her smirks and joking soon disappear when he tells her he means business! Laid out on "her pit" (the messy bed), she receives 2 sets of 12 hard cold cane strokes in a no-nonsense punishment. Watch gorgeous Amy take her caning in this amusing but eye-watering punishment that not many girls like Amy can actually take. See for yourselves, do you think she deserved this caning?

Related Categories: Ass Smacking, Brat Girls, Scolding, Spanking, Spanking M/F,Caning

Format: MP4
Duration: Min
Size: 794 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080

Amy's Cancц╨n Caning.part1.rar
Amy's Cancц╨n Caning.part2.rar
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Old Today, 03:58 PM   #1076
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Title: "Caught Masturbating" (Annie)

Description: Everything but the intro is enhanced. Enjoy!

Format: MP4
Duration: 46 Min
Size: 639 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720

Caught Masturbating.part2.rar
Caught Masturbating.part1.rar
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